Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Cool comes the mountain mist,
To me without a sound,
Gently passing the sleepy trees,
Softly slithering down.

Bringing with her whispers
Of ten thousand year old souls,
All with heralding stories to tell
To be heard by the young and the old.

Am I the pen and the ink in the hands
Of those wise and ancient voices?
Asked to revive the ashes of old
Adding fuel to the fire of our choices.

At times we can all be story tellers or poets in our own way. I enjoy using the written word to inspire conversation, creativity in young hearts and minds, visual art and music.

Within the children's book industry I have a number of published works which have featured my stories as well as the illustrations. I currently have a number of stories nearly ready for production in genre's including children's, young adult as well as for adults. For more information on these, please contact me.

In addition, I found a niche at Transglobal for writing the small bio's, catch phrases and marketing scripts which get printed on the back of their books. Maybe it's just that I have a knack for stating the obvious... hmmm.

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