Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Audio Engineering

I would tell you that my first love in the universe is the creation of music.
I also have experience making full children’s audio/visual books, including narration, character voices, musical scores, sound effects and final production.

Children's Music

Here's a few children's songs which have been distributed with a variety of read along Children's book CD's and DVD's from Transglobal Communications Group, Inc.

Here is my music profile on

Other Audio Engineering

In addition to making music, I have had a passion for movie production. Along with that comes soundtracks, mood music, sound effects... the list goes on. I've dabbled in a number of things which fit in to this category, including a project at Transglobal where I fully produced a narrative Read-a-long CD/w books package. Children's Narratives are only available upon request. Send requests to

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